Having a baby is more like having the most beautiful creation of God in your life and if you get the chance of naming it, you will have to go through hundreds of suggestions and google searches, till you find that one perfect name for your baby. The name plays an integral role as it kind of signifies who we are and probably, talks for itself before we do. Not just that, but it also has a connection with the energy and vibrations, it lets out in the outer world.
Here, adhering to the principles of Vedic Astrology, you will get to know, how to name your baby to attain the utmost benefits and vibrancy in one’s life.
Babies are a breeze of fresh air. More like the spring days which makes you all joyful. Keeping the names of your babies according to astrology fetches them abundance of luck and fortune. When we use Vedic Astrology to name the babies, we tend to consider their planetary positions of their natal chart.
Names and their sounds can spark some remarkable vibes and energies, both in the life of the babies as well as their families. They should be a source of positivity and should be related to the growth of the person they are being given to. As all the letters and sounds are different, they energize and activate different planets and their positions. Hence, the names of the babies which are kept on the basis of their birth dates are known to be the perfect picks.
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