Astrological pattens in Birth Chart
Planetary Combinations (Part One)
- Wealthy: If birth time is between Sunrise to Sunset for males and Sunset to Sunrise for females, for males houses of Lagna, Sun and Moon are males zodiac signs and for females houses of Lagna, Sun and Moon are females zodiac signs then they become great wealthy people.
- Medicine: Sun, Saturn, and Rahu link with each other via aspect, combination, or constellation to 2nd house then they can be skillful physicians. Sun and Saturn are medical planets and Rahu is a planet that belongs to research.
- Ghosts: When Mars is transiting in the 7th house from Lagna chart in Horary Chart then you will get objections from evil spirits, hungry ghosts, and devils. You can be the sick cause of them.
- Politics: When natural malefics are staying in 10th house in own sign then you happen to work hard in career life but you can succeed after some period of pressure. Also, this is a political combination.
- Job: : Jupiter is in Exalted in any house and then Sun and Venus are powerfully located in 10th house then you can be lawyer, politician and mostly doing government job.
- Speech: When two natural benefits stay beside Moon then they are skillful speakers and they become a popular cause of speech.
- Art: When two natural benefits stay beside the Sun then they are skillful artists and they become a popular cause of their talents.
- Son: When father’s chart 8th lord is in 1st house in son’s Lagna chart or father's 8th sign is son’s Lagna sign then the son continues father’s business and develop family projects greater level than his father.
- Foreign Tours: Rahu is in the 12th or 8th houses or Mars is in moving sign or Jupiter and Rahu are in moving sign or Jupiter is located in 12th house from Rahu gives foreign tours. If Rahu and Jupiter are in fixed sign then those people can attain permanent residency in a developed country. Mars is in fixed sign giving longtime staying in the industrial and middle-east county.
- Marriage I: 7th lord is staying with Mercury, Jupiter or Venus then these people marry a nice partner who helps to his or her success, and then the couple becomes rich people.
- Sex: People whose Moon with Mars are in 1, 7, 8, and 12 houses are behaving as sexually addicted people and they don’t satisfied with one partner. If Sun, Saturn, or Jupiter link with them then even they are sexy but love to only one person in their life.
- Ancestral Wisdom: : If in someone’s natal chart Jupiter is in the 9th house then those people are blessed with ancestral knowledge such as painting, music, herbal medicine, and astrology. Their dead relative works as spiritual teachers and support to gain more wisdom.
- Self-Employment: : If Venus is powerfully located in 11th or 10th houses then they can succeed from their own business. If Jupiter link with Venus then that business can expand up to a huge firm.
- Hotel: If someone’s Moon is in the 2nd house in the natal chart then he or she can be a success from culinary art, hotel, and as a customer care officer. If Rahu also links to 2nd house then this one can be popular in five-star tourist hotels and expand knowledge of cookery to an international level.
- Illnesses: Natal chart shows sicknesses caused by physical weaknesses in the body, Sun chart tells Karmic malfunctions while Moon chart says mental illnesses. Mars, Saturn, and the 6th lord link with each other in these charts tell the severity of illnesses.
- Singer: If someone’s chart is blessed with Moon, Jupiter, and Venus in 2nd house then he or she can be a famous singer. If their own house located Mercury is in 4th or 10th houses then they can popular in their field and they can write hypnotizing musical notations. They are good at musical combinations.
- Seers: When Mars is in the 12th house in powerful then they become sages and then like to do meditation in Himalaya but sometimes love to material subjects while Jupiter with Saturn is in 12th house give birth to monks who try to renounce material worlds.
- Marriage II: When 22nd DREKKANNA and 64TH NAVAMSHA are related to the main planetary period (maha Dasa) and sub planetary period and also these two planets belong to the 8th house and 1st house, then these planetary periods come to each other means this period is a deadly period for a marriage partner.
- Trading: Saturn is powerfully located in the 7th house creating a trading person who can sell his products in public retail markets. They are good sellers with the best communication skills.
- Big Girl: There has a possibility for a lass to become a big girl when the 7th lord and 12th lord join each other as a combination and then Mars is aspect them in Horary Chart. Also, Venus is in the 12th house in Horary Chart then getting aspect from Mars is another combination.